Mom Needs Grace

Musings on the life redeemed & purpose redefined

Weekends Round Here January 7, 2011

Filed under: My night job — dayna @ 4:51 pm

Just in case you are someone I don’t know personally just yet, I work outside my home on the weekends. I work night shift (7 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.) as an RN in the pediatric intensive care unit of an area hospital.

Although I’m sure there are bound to be some “work-related” posts in the future, for now I’ll just mention that I work with some amazing people, taking care of amazing kids, with (mostly) amazing families. The work is challenging, rewarding, but infinitely tougher since becoming a mother. Let’s just say that I’m certainly not ready to quit my (week)day job 🙂

Our family is  blessed by the “flexible” schedule that my occupation allows and thankful that we don’t need to utilize any regular childcare. We are pretty much covered by parents and willing grandparents when the need arises.

Needless to say, it will be quiet here on the weekends. My blog that is, not the house. This house will probably be anything but quiet. When I’m off to work, Daddy swoops in and the girls have full-on Daddyfest for 48 hours or so. While I can’t be positive about what goes on around here while I’m gone, I’m pretty sure there is some of this…

Popcorn and movies

some of this…

Crazy outfits, serious silliness

And some major tickling involved.

I think he is even going to try to take both girls to a kid birthday party tomorrow morning… Brave man! Buena suerte, mi amor 😉


7 Responses to “Weekends Round Here”

  1. Your kids are CUTE! And one-on-one daddy time is great!

  2. Paul Ober Says:

    Kelly is one of the bravest men I know. When I grow up I want to be just like him !! 🙂

  3. stephanie Says:

    CUTE pictures.

    I so admire your ability to hold it all together – even while working the night shift through the weekends. You amaze me.

    • dohadden Says:

      Hold it all together? You are certainly misinformed 😉 It is most definitely not together- but it is ok. Thank you for your continued kind words Steph.

  4. […] note from this PICU RN to the parents of my young […]

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